Innovating payment as the determinant of emotional wellbeing
an activity theoretic perspective of contributions for language teacher identity construction
KEYWORDS: Payment, language teacher wellbeing, language teacher identity construction, activity theoryResumo
Despite the growth of research on language teachers’ emotional wellbeing and professional identity construction in recent years, little research has addressed how payment plays a role in these two constructs within the literature of TESOL teacher education. In response to this gap, the present study drew on the lens of activity theory and explored the role of payment in 15 Iranian English language teachers’ wellbeing and the associated implications for their professional identity construction. Data were collected from narrative frames and semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed based on the principles of thematic analysis. Data analyses revealed three themes: (1) life quality and job commitment, (2) self-esteem and self-worth, and (3) cross-career comparison and lack of independence. Our findings imply that payment is perhaps one of the most significant yet underattended dimensions of the social turn in research on teachers and teacher education, which should receive more attention in the academe. Based on the findings, we provide implications for institutional policymakers to bring the issue of payment to the core and to the awareness of teachers so that the related interpersonal and conceptual tensions are resolved.
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